Title: Hexordia Mobile Forensic Analysis – Virtual Live Training
Event Date: September 9-13 2024 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM EST
Location: Online
Cost: $3,250.00
Description: This course is designed to prepare students to conduct mobile forensic analysis. This course will cover fundamentals of mobile forensics including timestamp analysis, SIM card analysis, and device preservation. The course will then look at Android, iOS, and legacy device analysis.
We at Hexordia will provide a methodology for conducting analysis of unsupported 3rd party apps and conduct comparative analysis. This course uses all open-source tools and publicly available forensic images to teach concepts through the combined use of lecture, demos, hands-on exercises, and labs. Students will also receive access to all HEX-100 and 200 series courses for 1 year when taking this course. By completing this training, students are prepared to take the exam that leads to the Hexordia Mobile Forensic Analyst (HMFA) certification